Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kosova's Obdusman accuses Government for inactivity.

"One step closer to the citizen" was the headline of 2011 year review made by directors of the institution of Ombudsman. More than half of the cases adjudicated by this institution this year were resolved positively, said Sami Kurteshi head of ombudsman office.
Although in 2011-ten we saw an increase in the number of citizen complaints by 15% to, the institution has managed to resolve 10 percent more cases compare to a year ago.
Majority of cases brought to our attention were those dealing mainly with the violations that took place in relations between citizens and the state administration, cases of non-compliance of court orders and individual cases about ownership. Despite the achievements, Ombudsman, Mr. Sami Kurteshi, mentioned also some problems that the institution continues to face and which are mainly related to office space and employee salaries shortage.
"The Government did not consider it appropriate to find a space in a public buildings for the institution of Ombudsman. This year we are “victims” of budget cuts, while the Ombudsman Deputies, continue work without receiving salaries, even though they were appointed by the Parliament to these positions."said Kurteshi.
As of today, Ombudsman office began placing boxes for complaints at some institutions where they were not present in the past.

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